How to Find Joy Through the Rain

I first started writing about finding joy through the rain a few weeks ago. As I was struggling with this, it took a bit longer to finish! So, now it is June. It’s another rainy day, so I thought it was still fitting…

The past couple of weeks, it has been a little difficult to find joy around here. The weather has been very gloomy. A lot of rain has fallen, and it almost feels like fall.

Although the calendar says May, sometimes it’s hard to believe that someone didn’t just rip off a few pages in wishful thinking.

When I look out my window, I do see trees budding out. The robins are hopping around looking for worms. Squirrels are running from tree to tree, doing whatever it is they do.

So, I guess the calendar might just be right. Maybe this is winter’s last stand. The forecast says the sun will shine in a couple of days. And, I hope that’s accurate.

Through the rain

Until then, it’s so difficult to muster up the energy to find joy! When it’s dark and dreary, I just get tired.

As I have been feeling cabin fever and am so ready to get out in the sunshine, I can’t help but think about God’s promises. His words of love and encouragement could surely help us all during this time. I’m sure I will be able to get some good practicals on how to find joy through the rain.

Le us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear, He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.

hosea 6:3 niv

A Time of Renewal Through the Rain

How comforting that is. God is ever-present. His plan is perfect. Even the rain.

I promise you -

Spring is a time of renewal. As the trees form their buds and begin to leaf out, everything becomes fresh and new. But, without the rain, that isn’t possible.

As hard as it is to go through these times of darkness and rain, they are needed. God promises that we will get through this – and find joy through the rain.

I will restore your soul like a gentle rain restores the land. Your spirit will bloom with the fresh radiance of joy.

lynn brookside – I promise you (acts 3:19)

Times of Refreshment

Times of refreshment. How wonderful that sounds! We know that “every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17) So, the rain, too, is a gift from God.

Sunshine through the rain

When I am in these times of darkness, I need to look inwards. In order to fully appreciate the times of refreshment God promises, I need to acknowledge the darkness within me. Only then can I truly receive the gift of God’s grace and experience the time of refreshment He provides.

Repent, then turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshment may come from the Lord.

acts 3:19 niv

Instead of moping and feeling dreary through the rain I need to change my thinking. I need to embrace the darkness so I can appreciate God’s gift of rain. Once I do that, I can maybe look at the rain as a blessing. Not something that is a nuisance that ruins my day…

Celebrate my daily blessings. My gift of love and compassion can never be exhausted. They are faithfully renewed each morning.

Lynn brookside – I promise you (lamentations 3:22-23)

What I have learned, and am still learning…

In every situation and season of life, God is in control. His timing is perfect. It is all part of His plan. So, instead of wallowing in my own dark thoughts, I need to change the direction of them. I need to take these down times and be grateful for the opportunity to first acknowledge, and then release my ideas of how things should be

In order to experience true refreshment and renewal, I need to appreciate the dark times. For if I didn’t have darkness, I just might not appreciate the light and find joy through the rain.

Your thoughts?

How do you handle the times of darkness in your life? What promises of God do you cling to during these periods? I would love to hear what verses are your favorites and how you cling to God and His promises and find your joy through the rain. I can’t wait to hear from all of you!