Which Rope? Out of the Pit of Depression

Which Rope? Climbing out of the Pit of Depression

I don’t know why, but sometimes depression hits me like a ton of lead. I can be going along quite nicely, and then – BOOM! Completely incapacitated for a few minutes, hours, or days. I’ve tried to notice patterns in the onset. Maybe a specific recurring event that triggers it, or maybe the weather. But, I can’t always seem to put my finger on the ultimate cause.

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Perfect? Nope, Not Even Close

Perfect? Nope, not even close

This morning, I read a devotional by Donald Miller. It’s entitled, Scary Close – Reflections for Finding True Intimacy. He talked about being a perfectionist. This is something I have struggled with my entire life. That internal drive to have everything just right- perfect. But what does that look like?

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How to Include God in Your Day- Despite the Craziness

Include God in my day regardless of the crazy that is going on. Sounds simple enough, right?

Not too long ago, I wrote a post about distractions getting in the way of my time with God. Life is crazy. Most days, I have a schedule all set and feel good about what I have planned for the day. But, there is always something that comes up and throws a wrench in things.

It is through those times, though, that I need to not get overwhelmed by everything coming at me and lose my focus. Instead, I need to learn how to include God in my day.

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Fasting: What is it?

Fasting: What is it?

Fasting:  What is it?

The idea of fasting is not new to me.  However, over the past couple of weeks, a lot of my quiet times and discussions, as well as different things I have read elsewhere, have all revolved around fasting.  So, I decided to pay closer attention to this prompting, and take the time to look into what fasting is all about and how I can incorporate it into my life.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when Brad brought up the idea of participating in a fast.  I had often thought I would like to give it a try, but really didn’t know much about it.  And, in order for me to really get into anything, I first need to understand as much as I can about it.

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