Search Results for: control

How Should I be Praying, Anyway??


I am the type of person who thrives on following rules, or systems, or plans.  Whatever you want to call them, that’s what I love.  If there is a checklist or guide for pretty much anything, I am a happy camper.  And, if there aren’t any lists provided, chances are I’ll create my own!

Lately, I have been working on improving my prayer life.  Now, some might say to just, ‘go ahead and pray.’  Trust me, I’ve tried that… But, I don’t feel like I really know HOW to pray.  After all, I have never actually been taught how to pray.  Even growing up in a Catholic elementary school, (where praying occurred every single day – multiple times a day), there was never a class on prayer.

And, while I know Jesus gave us an excellent example in Matthew, I was having some trouble translating that into my daily prayers.  So, after realizing I needed some extra help in this area, I decided to do some research and pick up a couple of books.

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Freedom Series: Worry & Fear

Worry and Fear

(If you missed the previous posts from my Freedom Series, be sure to go back and catch up!  To read, Freedom from Burdens, click here. For Freedom from Sin and Death click here.  To read, Freedom from Worldly Priorities, click here. And, for Freedom from Guilt and Shame, click here.)

A couple of weeks ago, I went in for a physical.  I had been putting it off for a while, so I was overdue for a few things.  As my doctor started to list off all the tests she recommended, I started to get a bit panicky…  It wasn’t that I didn’t know what she was talking about, or what it all meant, it was just the sheer number of tests that made my pulse go a little bit faster as the appointment went on…

So, I had all my blood tests, and some other things done, and all the results kept coming back great!

But, then I got a call from radiology.

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Freedom Series: Sin and Death

Sin and Death

When I started thinking about this series, one of the freedoms that stood out to me first was the Freedom from Sin and Death.  (If you missed yesterday’s post on Freedom from Burden, be sure to check it out, here…)  Prior to becoming a Disciple, I had a general idea of what that meant. But, after studying more and digging deeper into the Bible, I realized I knew very little.  And, I definitely was not thanking God enough for the amazing gift He gave to us…

Beginning in Sunday School, we are taught about Heaven, and the wonderful place it is.  We are taught that Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, was crucified, and died for our sins.  Then, he rose from the dead and now is with his Father, God, in Heaven.  And, if we believe in Him, we can go there, too.

If you asked a random person on the street, I’d bet you’d get a similar recant of the information, without a lot of differences.

But, just because we know what happened doesn’t mean we know what it really means to us.

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Freedom Series: Burdens


As it is Independence Day tomorrow, I have decided to spend the next few days on the freedoms that have been given to us from God. Follow along throughout the week.  I am planning to cover Freedom from Burdens, Freedom from Sin & Death, Freedom from Worldly Priorities, Freedom from Guilt and Shame, and Freedom from Worry and Fear.  If you want to be the first to know when the posts have been published, just fill out your name and email to get on my mailing list.

Freedom from Burdens

One of the freedoms that I need a bit of help accepting right now is, Freedom from Burdens.

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