Search Results for: control

Gratitude – Normal or Not…

A few days ago, I went grocery shopping.  Not seemingly a monumental occasion.  But for someone who hasn’t been able to go for months, it was a pretty big deal!

After I came home, I shared with Brad how awesome it was just to be in a store.  Just to wander through the aisles and browse through all the choices…  I wanted to buy everything I saw and stock up our pantry.

Thankfully, I maintained some self-control and didn’t drain the bank account – but I sure could have…

That small trip to the grocery store was something that resembled my life before my back problems.  It was a life in which I accomplished tasks and felt productive.  A life that felt easy and comfortable.  It has been so long since I have had those feelings – so long since I have been able to do the normal things I used to take for granted.

My goal is to never do that again.

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Without God, we are all helpless

Helpless on our own

Yesterday was a bit rough around our house. It started as a great day. Brad was off due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and we had fun things planned – a birthday lunch, some errands, and just spending time together, (imagine ~ a conversation without kids…). It was going to be so wonderful and relaxing!

But first, the driveway needed to be shoveled.

I heard him call my name from outside. Instantly, alarm bells went off in my head. I ‘ran’ as fast as I could to the door and looked out to see him lying at the bottom of our sloped driveway.

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The Birthday of our Baptism

Today makes one year.

One year following the conclusion of my preliminary studies of the Bible.  You know — the ones that made me realize I had a lot more studying to do.

12 months since I wrote my letter to God – telling Him why I wanted to be baptized.

365 days since I publicly declared, “Jesus is Lord.”

Today is Brad’s and my Spiritual Birthday – or Birthday of our Baptism…

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Let Go Let God

Let Go – Let God

Let go and let God.  I know it’s a saying that can be overused.  But, it’s a pretty important thing to remember.  If we truly have faith and believe that God’s got this and He is in control, then why would we need to hang on?  If we do it for show, and just say that God is in control, but try to be a puppet master behind the scenes, then that’s really all it is – a show.  Deep down we know it definitely wasn’t us.

We aren’t strong enough, or – let’s face it – smart enough to solve problems the way God can.  Way too many times I find myself getting in God’s way trying to control and guide a situation.  I wonder how many times my trying and my attempt at controlling something actually causes more work for God in the end…  (If you have kids, you know how that one usually turns out.)

How frustrated should God be with me?  I can just see Him shaking His head, with a sort of half-smile and a bit of sadness in His eyes, because this was supposed to be the time I actually submitted…

If I were Him, I would have put me in a time-out years ago… I thank Him every day for His patience.

Turns out, I have a really hard time letting go.

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Is it Enough

Is it Enough?

It’s hard to believe the kids are starting their second month of school today.  It seems like we were just going back-to-school shopping… But, as they rushed around this morning, getting themselves ready to head out the door, I found myself wondering, is it enough?

I wasn’t thinking about the clothes they were wearing, or the supplies they were stuffing into their backpacks.  Nope.  Thankfully, those items are well-stocked so I don’t worry about those so much.

Instead, what really makes me stop dead in my tracks from time-to-time is when I think about everything that the world throws at them.

Every.  Single.  Day.

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