Silence Resolved


For more months than I would like to admit, that’s what God heard from me. Not complete silence, but compared to how I had been communicating with Him before, I’m thinking He noticed. I know I did.

In the beginning of December, I had back surgery. It was one of those things that was inevitable at some point. And, I had tried every single conservative option – at least once. So, when I was offered the date of December 8th, I figured I could hide my very fashionable back brace (a requirement until March 8 – but who’s counting?) under sweaters, I took it.

If you look back at the posts on this blog, you’ll notice that the last time I posted was on The Birthday of our Baptism. Yep. That was in October. It has been 85 days since I wrote anything. 85 days!

Granted, over the last month I have been recovering from a pretty major surgery – and, celebrating one of the best Christmases I have EVER had – but that still leaves about 55.  And even that is a big number.  I’m having a hard time getting past it…

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Love, Love, Love


After spending yesterday with my parents, celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary, I have been thinking a lot about love.  Obviously, to have a marriage that has withstood trials, hardships, and just the test of time, there is a lot of love there.

And, while I know there are other things that have contributed to the long life of their marriage, (I got some great advice from the happy couple. Be sure to check back to see what it is…), one of the most visible characteristics is love.

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Date Your Spouse

How often do you date your spouse?

This question really got me.  Every time I saw my doctor, she would ask how Brad’s and my dates were going.  (And this came before all the other seemingly medically pertinent questions!)

But that wasn’t even the best part.  She actually threw in the word – weekly.  There were many times I just laughed.

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