Freedom Series: Worry & Fear

Worry and Fear

(If you missed the previous posts from my Freedom Series, be sure to go back and catch up!  To read, Freedom from Burdens, click here. For Freedom from Sin and Death click here.  To read, Freedom from Worldly Priorities, click here. And, for Freedom from Guilt and Shame, click here.)

A couple of weeks ago, I went in for a physical.  I had been putting it off for a while, so I was overdue for a few things.  As my doctor started to list off all the tests she recommended, I started to get a bit panicky…  It wasn’t that I didn’t know what she was talking about, or what it all meant, it was just the sheer number of tests that made my pulse go a little bit faster as the appointment went on…

So, I had all my blood tests, and some other things done, and all the results kept coming back great!

But, then I got a call from radiology.

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