Is Love a Choice?


Last week, we celebrated my parents’ 49th wedding anniversary.  49 years.  That is impressive to me.  With the exception of my grandparents who were married for over 72 years, my parents have the longest marriage of anyone I have personally known.

Then, on Saturday, we attended a wedding of a couple at church.  As I watched their faces throughout the ceremony, I saw the joy and love just emanating from them.

So, I started thinking about the journey of a married couple.  Every couple pretty much starts out the same way…  They look into each other’s eyes with love and hope and excitement.  They have great visions of how their life together will play out.  And, I’ll bet that while they’re standing together, saying their vows, they are not planning on becoming “another statistic” and have their marriage end in divorce.

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Date Your Spouse

How often do you date your spouse?

This question really got me.  Every time I saw my doctor, she would ask how Brad’s and my dates were going.  (And this came before all the other seemingly medically pertinent questions!)

But that wasn’t even the best part.  She actually threw in the word – weekly.  There were many times I just laughed.

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Prayer Up

As the new year started, so did my list of books I wanted to read. Check out that post – and be sure to tell me the amazing ones I am surely missing!

Unbelievably, the first book I have finished is actually the first on my list!  Now, this usually NEVER happens!  I have a tendency to start one book, then hear about a new one, and leave the first on a pile on my nightstand…

Not this time.  This time, I did it – and I’m really happy I did!

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