How To Have a Productive Day


I would love to have a productive day – Every Single Day.

But, there are days when I literally feel like my feet are walking through quicksand.  For some reason, everything takes way longer than usual.  And, I can never seem to get anything done.  On those days, I always run out of time.

How can I be in slow motion, but time seems to somehow speed up?

Days like those are super frustrating to me.

So, when my mom ended her goodbye with the word, Productive, unbeknownst to her, a gauntlet was thrown…

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Have a Joyful and Happy Day!

So, if you remember my post from yesterday, Have a Good Day, I had started talking about something my mom had said to me at the end of one of our phone conversations.

“Have a good, joyful, happy, productive day…”

For whatever reason, the whole phrase really stood out to me.  Probably because I have been working on the whole joyful and happiness bit.  Not to mention – trying to be productive. But that’s a story for another day.  Namely, tomorrow…

Today, I am going to focus on Joyful and Happy.

There is actually quite a bit of controversy in religious circles about these two words and their meanings, believe it or not.  Some theologians want to separate them and classify them as two entirely different things, while others point out the synonymous ways in which they’re used in the Bible.  So, which one is correct?

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Have a GOOD Day


Good Day

Have a good day!

How many times have I heard this in my life? I’d wager millions. But what does it really mean? I think too many people – myself included – have used this phrase as a Goodbye. It’s not that I don’t want someone to have a good day, it’s just what you say.

But, just before hanging up after one of our phone conversations, my mom said the following…

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Gluttony – it’s not just about food and drink…

I lost a good chunk of time yesterday morning – I went shopping.  Now, it wasn’t all for me – there were gifts that were needed, and some other household items.  But, after I thought I was finished, I remembered a massive sale that was going on…

So, I ended up at a Christian bookstore that is going out of business.  I still needed to purchase a gift, and thought I would check out what else they had before heading home.

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