What’s the expectation?

Growing up, our birthdays were often extended to at include least the week – if not the month!  So, when Brad told me he was taking me out to dinner for my birthday the weekend after my birthday, it didn’t strike me as anything out of the ordinary.

He was really excited about it, and I had just chalked it up to a new place we were trying, and maybe some time away from the kids.  Until we pulled up to the restaurant and I saw a familiar face through the window.

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Flexibility – and not the kind you get from yoga…

I have never been accused of being spontaneous. I am someone who truly loves routine.  Lists (and crossing off things once they’re done) make me really happy.  I even created a cleaning and laundry schedule when I became Home Manager (thanks for the new title, Spence!).  Yep, I’m that kind of person.

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Books to Read in 2017…

Books to Read in 2017

Now, you should know right away that I love to read books.  But something happens when I read non-fiction. I have this habit of starting a book – but never finishing it.  I can be really involved in the information and honestly enjoying it –  but, then, I hear something absolutely amazing that I need to read about – right this very instant – so I set aside my partially finished book to (hopefully) come back to at some point. I’m going to work on that in 2017…

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