You know that feeling when you walk into a clean and organized home?  For me, it’s almost as if a hush comes over everything and I just want to stop and stare.  I actually get a feeling of joy and happiness that starts in my chest and spreads outwards.  It is a true sense of peace and tranquility.  Because my surroundings are so wonderfully neat and tidy, my perfectionist tendencies are at bay because not one thing is out-of-order or begging to be changed.  I can almost hear the harps…

And, then, I wake up.  That is my dream.  Certainly not always my reality…

But, every so often, when the moon is in just the right phase and all the planets are aligned… if I’m really lucky, I can get ONE room in our home to give me that feeling. Unfortunately, everything doesn’t always come together to make that possible.  It’s way more rare than it is common.  But, it’s a good goal to have, regardless.

So, in order to bring more joy into our home on a more regular basis, I started looking around and thinking about what is truly needed to create a Home of Joy.  Along the way, I discovered there is a lot more to joy than just looks.  (Pretty sure there’s another lesson wrapped up in there somewhere…)

But, for now, here’s a quick list of what I came up with this time around…

1.  Tidy Up

Pick up and put away all the little things that get strewn around the house and never seem to find their way back to their homes.  This is probably the easiest thing to do and yet has the greatest impact on how you feel when walking into the room.

Imagine walking into your living room and seeing all horizontal surfaces free from random toys and stray socks.  You feel better already, don’t you?

One way I encourage the kids to get involved and help (as most of the items are theirs…) is to time them.  If your kids are anything like ours, they use any excuse to turn a situation into a competition.  That spirit has definitely helped our house get tidied in under 5 minutes flat! Pick up your phone, a kitchen timer, or grab this handy magnetic one from Amazon, and press start!!

2.  Clean

Now I’m not talking about full-out spring cleaning here. No need to take a day off work and spend hours using each and every attachment that came with your vacuum.  I’m talking about the basics:  dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms, do the dishes, etc.

I’ve really gotten into bullet journaling lately, and one idea that I have run across most frequently involves a 15 minute clean.  In our house, 15 minutes just isn’t enough time to vacuum – let alone get to anything else.  So, one of the things I am trying out for those times when there is a shortage of time is a quick daily rotation of cleaning tasks.  So far, I have been able to get all items done within 15 minutes when a lack of time is a factor.  I figure it is better to do something – rather than nothing.  So, grab your timers once again…

3.  Organization

What I’ve found in our house is that most hot messes occur where practical and efficient organization is lacking.  If it just doesn’t exist, there is a much greater chance of clutter sprouting up all around the house.

I’m pretty sure I have pinned almost every organization hack at some point over the years.  Sadly, I haven’t implemented that many.  However, the ones I have incorporated do bring joy to our home – and to others who can utilize them as well.

One of the areas where this organization has been most helpful is in our downstairs linen closet.  On the shelves, I used black and white photo boxes for storage.  (You can grab them here…)

I labeled each box based on its medical or toiletry contents using this label maker.  Because this system was in place, my sister-in-law was able to find what she needed in the middle of the night – without needing to wake me up.  I count that as a definite win that brought joy to us both!

Plus, our kids go into that closet all the time.  A definite added bonus – everything stays neat because the kids aren’t digging through everything just to find a band-aid…

4.  Systems and Routines

Now, some might argue that organization and systems are pretty much the same things.  I do not believe that.  While organization can include a system, not all systems involve organization.  (Think square and rectangle all you math-brained people…) Granted, my systems tend to need modification based on stages in our kids’ lives, etc.  But, regardless, a good system can really be a time saver and help you duplicate yourself.

For example, one of the routines we have begun using is how the dishwasher is loaded and emptied.  The kids would spend more time arguing about whose turn it was to load the dishes after dinner than it would have taken to just do it!  So, now, one kid always loads, and one kid always empties.  Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.  But, this is the system that they both agreed to, and it is working out really well right now…

5.  Scents

I take great pleasure in good smelling things.  There is nothing like a wonderful smelling bouquet of flowers or the waft of a scented candle to bring a feeling of joy and peace to my soul. Recently, my sister came and stayed at our house and brought the most thoughtful gift – an electric wax warmer.

I will tell you that the scent of Fresh Air brought – and still brings – me the greatest joy! In fact, since I learned of these wonderful little scent machines, I have purchased a few more to have around the house!  I love them because, not only do they make the room smell better without a flame, they can also serve as a night-light.  Our guests are doubly blessed as they can now SEE as they enter the fresh-smelling guest bathroom…

6.  Sounds

We have two kids and two dogs in our house.  There is never a lack of noise.  But, noise does not necessarily bring joy.   So, to help counteract barks from the dogs and shouts from the kids, I look for other methods through which I can incorporate sounds to increase joy in our home.  Some days I prefer some soothing nature sounds, while others definitely call for some classic country.  Regardless of the day, and the sounds that it brings, I have often been surprised by how much of an impact sounds can have on my mood.

Right now, I am listening to some ocean waves on Amazon Music.  I love being able to choose whatever music I am in the mood for!  If you feel music would bring joy into your home, Try Amazon Music Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial.

7.  Food

How many times have you heard the phrase, “comfort food?”  Personally, I can find a lot of joy in food.  Whether it be the aroma of the fresh bread right out of the oven, or the perfect Thanksgiving bite – with some juicy turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes and gravy.  These foods can have a powerful impact on our mood and attitude that certainly bring joy.

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart….            Ecclesiastes 9:7

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.  This day is holy to our Lord.  Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”                  Nehemiah 8:10

8.  Coffee (or your drink of choice…)

Wait – there are beverages other than coffee?!?

Coffee is one thing that brings me joy at any time.  Even when I think I don’t want it and politely decline a cup, I have often changed my mind.  Once the aroma hits me as it’s being brewed, all defenses are lost and I need to have a cup…

By now, I should know to always say, “Yes, please!” Right away.  Whether you are a coffee drinker, a tea sipper, or you prefer a fun flavored water, there’s nothing like that first sip to ignite that spark of joy.

9.  Family and Friends

Our house has a pretty constant stream of family and friends coming and going.  Because we lived across the country – away from family – for five years, we find great joy in being able to see them regularly again.  So, when I was thinking about how to add joy to our home, friends and family HAD to be on the list.

I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink.  Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.                   2 John 1:12

Joy, joy, joy…

So, that’s what I noticed today.  Not a comprehensive list, by any means, but it’s a start.  I’m sure I will find some amazing tips and tricks that will make life easier and can add more joy to our home as I start going through the process.  (And, I hope you’ll share yours with me, too!)  But, for today, this will do.  I have already started the timer for the kids to round-up their belongings and I turned on my wax warmer to get some “Fresh Air” in the kitchen (thanks again, Leah!).  Although I might not have the feeling of ultimate joy at this very moment, we are definitely on the right track and adding joy to our home every day!

Your thoughts

What do you think?  What have you found that your home needs to be a Home of Joy?  I would love to hear what works for your family and any suggestions you may have.  I can’t wait to hear from all of you!