What I learned about Faith from a Violet…

This past weekend, my mother-in-law gave me a couple African Violet slips to plant. (For the record – I am so much not a plant person, I just had to look up what they were called…) Now, it’s not that I don’t like to be surrounded by plants and beautiful flowers.  I do – they make me very happy!  Unfortunately, neither of my thumbs are very green. Hence, two slips for a better chance of having some blooming violets later this summer…

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Grateful for Gratitude

Grateful for Gratitude

When we first moved from Florida, I was having a pretty rough time adjusting.  Now, don’t get me wrong – I was super excited to be near family and so grateful to see them more regularly.  But, come on – we moved from Florida to Wisconsin – in January!!!  (I’m going to give you a minute to let that soak in…)

Again, it was all God’s perfect timing, but my clock really wasn’t in sync with His at the time.  At times, it was a real struggle for me to adjust to all of the changes and to honestly accept what was happening in our lives – let alone be grateful for them.

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Family Meeting update…

Some of you have probably been wondering about the weekly updates (or lack thereof) for our Family Meetings.  Well, I am going to ask you to refer to the tagline of this site, Our family’s journey to find faith and joy.  (Emphasis on the word, journey.)

Like everyone else, we were busier and had more abbreviated Family Meetings lately.  Some were held in the car; others, over dinner.  Did we talk as a family? Absolutely.  Were they effective? Not so much…

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