A Helping Hand When We Fail and Fall

I took my children and two of their friends roller skating the other day.  I wasn’t feeling like showing off my mad skills, (and totally embarrassing my children), so I just sat and watched.

There was no school that day, so there were quite a few families at the rink.  As I sat, surrounded by skaters of all ages, I was completely mesmerized for a bit. They just kept going around and around… And then, I started really looking at the skaters.

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A Father’s Rules

I remember when I was teaching in Minnesota, I had an 8th grader named, Ashley.  She was a girl who would dress all in black – down to her eyeliner and nail polish.  If I would have met her when I was in middle school, I would have been completely intimidated by her.  Ashley came off as one of the most confident and self-assured girls in all of eighth grade.

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Date Your Spouse

How often do you date your spouse?

This question really got me.  Every time I saw my doctor, she would ask how Brad’s and my dates were going.  (And this came before all the other seemingly medically pertinent questions!)

But that wasn’t even the best part.  She actually threw in the word – weekly.  There were many times I just laughed.

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What to Study?!? 5 ways to get into His Word when you don’t know where to begin

Have you ever been in that position?  You have your quiet time scheduled, and you are actually where you are supposed to be at the time you are supposed to be there!  You grab your coffee, sit down to study, and then think – What do I do now?

I’ve been there.  I’ve tried a lot of things to help me get started when I have no idea where to begin!  Here are five ways I have found that have helped me regain focus and get me back in His Word.

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Prayer Up

As the new year started, so did my list of books I wanted to read. Check out that post – and be sure to tell me the amazing ones I am surely missing!

Unbelievably, the first book I have finished is actually the first on my list!  Now, this usually NEVER happens!  I have a tendency to start one book, then hear about a new one, and leave the first on a pile on my nightstand…

Not this time.  This time, I did it – and I’m really happy I did!

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